The narrative of this story consists of a young girl who comes home from school to find her family and several police officers in her living room. Her family look distraught and this confuses the young girl. After hearing the police officer describe her features and characteristics she has a flashback which reveals to the audience her death and the girl is able to see her murderer. Frustrated that she is able to identify the murderer, her ghostly self runs to the police station and writes the name of the murderer who is recognized immediatly. The story ends with the girl waking up from a coma and realizes that this was all a dream even though she did get hurt.
Why this story appeals to me...I particularly like this story as there is a sense of mystery from the start and the narrative ensures that the audience have time to try and work out the situation themselves which is a quality I would like to encompass in my own work. I am also fascinated with after life and I believe that it is powerful to suggest to children that a spirit can exsist. This story was also written by a child which I think is effective in the style of this story. I think that this story could be adapted into a film in a imaginative and powerful way. However if I were to adapt this story I would re-invent it in my own way and perhaps erase the idea of 'it was all a dream' and instead create a scene at the end where the young girl says goodbye to her mother, which would hopefully evoke an emotional reaction from the audience. I would also like to add in a couple of inventive shots for example the young girl looks in the mirror and see's no reflection. I think it would be a creative experience to create this spiritual story into a short film.
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